CSPA Age Calculation
The Child Status Protection Act (CSPA), enacted in 2002, addresses the issue of children “aging out” of eligibility for certain immigration benefits due to turning 21. This article offers a brief overview of CSPA, introduces its calculation method, explains the "sought to acquire" requirement, and provides examples to illustrate its application.
Know Your Rights During ICE Encounters
As the Trump administration’s new immigration enforcement policy unfolds and the circumstances continuously develop, it is important for everyone to be informed of their rights during potential ICE encounters.
Permanent Residence (Green Card) and Ending H-1B Employment
H-1B Workers: Pathways to obtain permanent residence in the United States (getting a green card) and ending H-1B employment.
Maintaining Your H-1B Status
Maintaining Your H-1B Status - Things to Know After Your H-1B Petition is Approved.
H-1B Visa and the Lottery (Online Registration)
H-1B Visa - Addressing questions frequently asked by prospective employers and job candidates about the H-1B visa and the online registration process.